[ARKANCE & Stowe Australia]

Redefining Operational Efficiency with ACC

Discover how ARKANCE Empowered Stowe Australia with Autodesk Construction Cloud. Enhancing Efficiency, Collaboration, and Data Accuracy.
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How Stowe Australia Enhanced Efficiency

Streamlined Operations with Autodesk Construction Cloud

Stowe Australia has significantly improved operational efficiency through the implementation of Autodesk Construction Cloud, achieving substantial labor cost savings and reduced project delays. By transitioning to a cloud-based solution, Stowe eliminated manual data entry and reduced errors, saving an average of 7 minutes per user per day. With around 1500 potential users, this could represent a very large number in annual labour cost savings. Additionally, the platform’s real-time updates and centralized data environment have minimized project delays, ensuring that all team members have access to the latest information when they need it. This streamlined approach has led to more efficient project management, optimized resource allocation, and enhanced decision-making across the organization.

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Navigating Resistance and Integrating Legacy Systems

Overcoming Implementation Challenges

Despite initial resistance to change and the complexity of integrating legacy systems, Stowe Australia, with ARKANCE's support, successfully rolled out Autodesk Construction Cloud across all branches. Long-standing employees were initially hesitant to adopt new tools and workflows. To address this, Stowe focused on comprehensive training and education, showing employees the tangible benefits of the new system. The phased implementation approach allowed the company to gradually transition, starting with areas that would benefit the most immediately. Rigorous data validation processes and extensive testing ensured data accuracy and consistency, while customization of the platform met the diverse needs of Stowe’s 14 branches, ensuring scalability and consistency.

Check out our Webinar with Stowe

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Empowering Employees for Success

Comprehensive Training Program

Stowe Australia’s tailored training program, developed in collaboration with ARKANCE, ensured employees at all levels could effectively use Autodesk Construction Cloud, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. The program began with a thorough assessment of employees' skills and familiarity with digital tools. Customized training modules were developed for different user groups, including site managers, engineers, administrative staff, and executives. Training delivery methods included in-person workshops, online modules, webinars, live demos, and one-on-one sessions. Ongoing support was provided through a dedicated help desk, online resources, community forums, and regular feedback sessions, ensuring that employees could continue to learn and troubleshoot as they used the system.

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Maximizing ROI with a Common Data Environment

Significant Cost Savings and Efficiency Gains

Stowe Australia realized substantial cost savings through enhanced time efficiency, reduced rework, lower paper usage, and streamlined administrative tasks, demonstrating the value of a centralized data platform. The implementation of Autodesk Construction Cloud has led to fewer project errors and rework, with the potential savings running into millions annually. The shift to a digital platform has drastically cut down on paper and printing costs, contributing to sustainability goals. Automation of administrative tasks has further boosted operational efficiencies. These cost savings, combined with improved collaboration and data accuracy, have maximized Stowe’s return on investment, positioning the company for continued success and growth in the competitive construction industry.


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